![]() Since 2012, Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva has served as the director of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Department of Subspecialty Pediatrics. To remain apprised of professional developments, Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva maintains active membership with several professional organizations, including the American College of Critical Care Medicine (ACCM), of which he is a Fellow. ACCM Fellows have demonstrated noteworthy contributions in their field at a state, regional, or national level. Each year, applicants submit supporting documentation to prove they qualify for fellowship. The ACCM’s Credentials Committee reviews each potential Fellow’s application. Those who do not qualify receive feedback so they may apply again at another time. Each applicant must meet specific requirements, including the following: - Be active within the Society of Critical Care Management for at least two years. - Hold licensure to practice medicine in the United States or Canada. For those applying as a physician member, they must hold certification from the U.S. - Contribute significantly to the three areas of leadership, program development, and scholarly contributions. - Receive sponsorship from at least two people, one of which must be an active ACCM Fellow. - Devote at least half of his or her time to critical care for at least two years.
![]() For the past 30 years, Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva has utilized his medical expertise in a number of outlets, including education, clinical work, and research. Currently, Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva serves as the associate director of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), a role he has held for the past five years. In a recent issue of Pediatrics, an AAP peer-reviewed medical journal, researchers looked at the correlation between arrests among youth who are enrolled in Medicaid and the setting in which they receive their medical care. The study, Preventive Care Utilization among Justice-Involved and Non-Justice-Involved Youth, noted that there is a greater use of emergency rooms than primary care facilities among young people who have been arrested at least one time. Researchers looked at data of nearly 89,000 teenagers in Marion County, Indiana, over a period of seven years. They found that those who had at least one arrest on their record had higher rates of emergency room visits and lower rates of well-child visits when compared to Medicaid-enrolled teens who had never been arrested. In order to help curb this problem, the study researchers suggested school-based initiatives as a possible way to encourage regular medical care among justice-involved youth. ![]() As the associate executive director of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva oversees significant advances in the practice and research of pediatric medicine. In 2016, Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva participated in the national conference of ECHO: the Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes, a partner of the AAP. Originating at the University of New Mexico, ECHO provides a model of delivering knowledge and experience from advanced medical facilities to underserved populations of the state, particularly those in rural areas. One goal of ECHO is to spread information about children and youth who have epilepsy. ECHO links primary care doctors in the field with specialists at major medical centers in real time via telehealth technology. Utilising this communications technology, specialists can use case-based learning and clinical management tools to train outlying primary care providers in advanced treatment methods. Each week, centrally located doctors go on “virtual grand rounds” with local providers, analyzing cases and devising new methods of treatment. Participants in these learning events develop skills for conditions in addition to epilepsy, such as chronic pain or hepatitis C. ![]() Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva is an experienced medical professional who has served as the associate executive director of the American Academy of Pediatrics since 2012. Over the course of his career, he has held administrative positions and sat on internal committees for a range of health care organizations. From 2013 to 2014, Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva served the Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement (PCPI) as a member of the executive committee. Convened by the American Medical Association, the PCPI is dedicated to fostering improvements in patient health and safety by promoting progress in measurement science, clinical registries, and the general quality of health care. PCPI is also actively involved with government regulatory issues such as the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015. Signed into law by President Barak Obama on April 16, 2015, the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) received the full support of PCPI and its member organizations. MACRA significantly changed the ways in which Medicare pays for beneficiary care by creating a new framework for rewarding exceptional health care providers and combining multiple existing quality-reporting methodologies into a single cohesive program. MACRA also put an end to the Sustainable Growth Rate formula for Medicare payments, which had significantly decreased Medicare’s base payment rate for key medical services. ![]() Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva possesses a PhD in epidemiology, a law degree, and a doctorate of business administration. With more than 30 years of experience in the medical field, Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva has numerous publications and appearances to his name, including a presentation at the 2013 Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Pediatric Sleep Conference, where he spoke to the legal aspects of sleep medicine. The medical-legal issues of sleep disorder medicine encompass three concerns: the potential for violent or harmful behavior during sleep, accidents due to exhaustion while driving or at work, and disability caused by this impairment in the workplace. The legal cases stemming from these occurrences can be complex, due to the lack of awareness and consciousness, and difficulty proving a defendant was indeed in such a state when the incident occurred. When it comes to cases involving the workplace where a sleep disorder is in question, the liability of an individual depends largely on the region in which the case is being heard. Precedents for sleep disorder disability cases are few, and the societal stigma attached to sleepiness--that it is a result of laziness and poor work ethic, not a medical disorder--may hinder results. ![]() Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva holds numerous titles with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), including associate executive director. In addition to his many responsibilities at the AAP, Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva has served as a principal investigator for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) since 2011. The AHRQ strives to improve the safety, quality, and affordability of health care through the production of research-based evidence. One of the many informative offerings on their website is a collection of infographics that share trend data related to health care fields in an accessible manner. One image graphs the readmission rates of patients suffering from psychiatric conditions. This data was compiled based on an AHRQ study by the agency’s Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project. Compared to the 4 percent readmission rate for non-mental-health concerns, in 2012 those with mood disorders were readmitted almost one tenth of the time, and 16 percent of schizophrenic patients were readmitted. For the group of individuals with one of these two disorders, these percentages translated to more than 1.2 million hospital stays that year. Despite these comparatively high percentages, many more patients with physical ailments receive home care following discharge (14 percent) than do those with psychiatric conditions (only one or two percent). When patients are readmitted to the hospital, they are not only subjected to additional high costs but also face serious disruption in their home lives. ![]() Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva brings over two decades of medical experience to the American Academy of Pediatrics and serves as its associate executive director and the director of its Department of Subspecialty Pediatrics. In addition, Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva also belongs to the American Medical Association, which will participate in the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) 2016 Annual Conference in October. Celebrating the MGMA’s 90th anniversary, the conference serves as a premiere event in the healthcare industry and invites medical professionals to share challenges and to invest in the future of healthcare. It encourages physicians, administrators, vendors, and other personnel from all corners of the medical profession to connect and learn from one another. Programming includes certification and fellowship sessions, in addition to presentations and speeches from several special guests. The conference also offers a variety of continuing education opportunities in numerous focus areas. Furthermore, the exhibitor hall will feature more 275 vendors and companies. Registration for the MGMA Conference varies according to days attended, membership with the MGMA, and affiliation with a medical college or university. Some special events and program sessions also require additional purchase, such as the ACMPE Fellows Dinner. The Conference will take place on October 30 through November 2, 2016, at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, California. To learn more about the conference, visit mgma.com/annual-conference. ![]() Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva, a pediatric doctor based in Wisconsin, is the associate executive director of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), a position that requires him to oversee the National Committee Appointment Process, as well as the operational activities and medical training programs of the organization. Before Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva arrived at this point in his career, he acquired a doctor of business administration degree in management sciences at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, United Kingdom. Strathclyde University offers a wide range of doctorate courses and research opportunities. There are different routes to a higher degree at Strathclyde, all of which can be acquired at the Strathclyde Institute for Operations Management (SIOM). Candidates for higher studies are normally expected to hold a good honors degree or an equivalent. Even so, the university may accept other forms of qualification and experience. For example, in order to acquire a doctor of business administration (DBA), the student must obtain a minimum of 36 months of study through a mixture of coursework and research. The DBA, an executive doctoral program, is meant for the researching practitioner and is designed to attract motivated high achievers who are looking to develop their research and critical-thinking skills to the highest level. It is different from a classic PhD because it provides a more structured route to a doctoral qualification. It is more suited for managers with considerable work experience as well as students who wish to combine their studies with a full-time occupation. ![]() A pediatric physician with more than 20 years of experience in the medical field, Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva is a professor of pediatrics at the Medical College of Wisconsin and serves as the senior executive of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva’s work in the medical profession has received numerous recognitions over the years, such as a ranking among the Best Doctors in America for the fifth consecutive time in 2014. Best Doctors serves to recognize the top performers in the field of medical care and help patients access the best medical minds both nationwide and internationally. It works alongside the world’s leading medical professionals to maintain a medical database of medical providers by discipline and sub-disciplines. Furthermore, doctors and physicians included within the database consist of individuals that passed strict peer review and received high academic and clinical success. Only five percent of doctors and physicians receive this honor nationwide. For more information about Best Doctors, visit bestdoctors.com. |
October 2023