An expert in pediatrics and medical quality management, Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva has over three decades of experience in the healthcare industry. Also a speaker at national and international healthcare forums, Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva is board certified by the American Board of Pediatrics in critical care and sleep medicine and licensed in Texas and Wisconsin. Recently, Dr. Sachdeva was part of a panel discussion at the international meeting for project ECHO regarding the impact of new technology innovations on patients. Introduced by the University of New Mexico, project ECHO is a collaborative medical and case management model that encourages shared learning and higher quality patient care. The model uses expert academic hubs which connect to frontline teleECHO clinics to provider greater access to care and provide clinicians with enhanced knowledge and resources. Community health workers serve an important frontline role, in that they share information with patients and encourage positive health behaviors. To support these professionals, project ECHO developed training models to help health workers serve in a wider variety of clinical roles and learn new skills. This training is accomplished through face-to-face education, weekly teleconferences, and video modules. In addition, project ECHO provides ongoing quality assurance in support of community health worker training.
Ramesh Sachdeva, MD, PhD, MBA, JD, Assoc. Executive Director of the American Academy of Pediatrics, does an ECHO Talk at the MetaECHO Conference, which occurred September 11th-13th, 2014.
A pediatric physician with more than 20 years of experience in the medical field, Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva is a professor of pediatrics at the Medical College of Wisconsin and serves as the senior executive of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva’s work in the medical profession has received numerous recognitions over the years, such as a ranking among the Best Doctors in America for the fifth consecutive time in 2014. Best Doctors serves to recognize the top performers in the field of medical care and help patients access the best medical minds both nationwide and internationally. It works alongside the world’s leading medical professionals to maintain a medical database of medical providers by discipline and sub-disciplines. Furthermore, doctors and physicians included within the database consist of individuals that passed strict peer review and received high academic and clinical success. Only five percent of doctors and physicians receive this honor nationwide. For more information about Best Doctors, visit Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva serves as an associate executive director with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), leading numerous initiatives and bringing new technologies to the organization. Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva was instrumental in the founding of the AAP Division of Innovation, a national program office responsible for administering state and local grant programs. The AAP Division of Innovation plays host to programs such as the Coordinating Center for Children and Youth with Epilepsy. Dedicated to creating a community health care system that provides the necessary support services to children with epilepsy, the Center partners with the University of New Mexico Project ECHO to deliver care to children in rural areas. In addition to its work with children with epilepsy, the AAP Division of Innovation works to improve access to health care for children with endocrinology needs. The Division also includes the Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit (PEHSU), which brings together health providers and government officials to improve children’s environmental health. Other initiatives at the AAP Division of Innovation include Climate for Health, the AAP Section on Telehealth Care, and Practice Transformation at the AAP. Health care executive Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva is an associate executive director with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), a professional organization serving 64,000 pediatricians in the United States. In his leadership role with the organization, Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva oversees initiatives such as the AAP Community Pediatrics Training Initiative (CPTI). A national program, CPTI sets out to increase the quality of advocacy and community health training during the pediatric residency. For more than 10 years, the program has trained the next generation of pediatricians to become leaders and strong voices for child health. Since 2005, CPTI has partnered with over 100 pediatric residency programs in the United States. To advance community pediatrics, CPTI encourages residents to leave the hospital setting and practice in the community, gaining a firsthand look at the need for community health. The initiative also partners with community organizations to improve health outcomes at the local level. In addition to building a network of community advocates who will speak out on child health, CPTI stresses the importance of advocacy at the local, state, and federal levels. Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva is an experienced medical executive and pediatric expert currently serving as the associate executive director for the American Academy of Pediatrics, a professional membership association made up of over 64,000 doctors. In this role, Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva has established several new program areas at the academy, including the Department for Subspecialty Pediatrics and the Division of Innovation. Responsibilities of the Division of Innovation at the American Academy of Pediatrics include managing grants and programs are related to the use of new technology in healthcare practice, such as tele-health. Additionally, the division works toward the academy’s mission to achieve optimal healthcare for all individuals through its many programs. The division’s programs include several that are youth-centered, such as the Center for Children and Youth with Epilepsy, the Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit, and the Quality Improvement Innovation for Youth with Endocrinology Needs. Other programs include technology-focused efforts ranging from a tele-health section to practice transformation efforts to an ECHO Superhub. As a Superhub, the division works with the ECHO care management model and fosters ongoing learning throughout the physician community. Together these programs work in direct alignment and support of the academy’s mission. Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva is an expert in the medical field with over three decades of experience. Currently the associate executive director for the American Academy of Pediatrics, Dr. Ramesh Sachdeva is responsible for duties including oversight of operations and strategy, and he founded the Department for Subspecialty Pediatrics at the organization. Recently, Dr. Sachdeva served as a panel member at an international meeting for MetaECHO.
Held in New Mexico in April 2016, the MetaECHO panel was hosted by the ECHO project and focused on the utilization of new technologies to affect health populations on a global scale. Project ECHO is an effort of the University of New Mexico and stands for Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes; it is a medical and care management model with the aim of enabling doctors to provide the best possible care to their patients. The model itself focuses on training doctors and front line clinicians to provide better care in underserved areas, and enable them to provide more specialty care services. The model uses academic facilities, known as Hubs, to accomplish this training and education. These efforts work toward goals that include enabling patients to get quality, timely care at lower costs and with improved outcomes. |
October 2023